Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Meeting and FUN DAY!!!! Please join us on June 29th at the Napa Valley Dog Club from 11:00 to 4:00 pm for a day of fun and a pot luck lunch.

There will be games, fun, easy tricks, etc. A general meeting, potluck lunch, obedience match, obstacle course and play ring. Lots of time for questions and answers.

Fees: If you bring one dog to attend Fun Day, the cost is $10.00 for the day, or $15.00 for two or more dogs. If you wish to attend without bringing a dog, there is no fee.

Potluck lunch - Please advise Sandy Bonifield what you will bring for the luncheon. Call her at 707-257-2776 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 707-257-2776 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or email at Your participation will ensure a great lunch. Please inform Sandy of the number of animals you are planning to enter so proper timing can be allowed.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Well, for most of the past month, our website has been at, but today I am happy to say that we are back HOME and back on WWW.MSCNC.US !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally!!!!!!!

So please, save the link and visit often! Hopefully we will have a meeting date up soon. We try to find a date when there are no local dog shows or holidays, and when we have business to discuss. We'll keep you posted!!!

Have a wonderful Easter holiday this weekend!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Spring Specialty - a success!

Well, we're all home now and tired, but all in all I think MSCNC had a succesful Spring Specialty.  We had majors all four days and it was a lot of fun seeing friends we hadn't seen in a while.  The show went smoothly on Friday, which was the day of our Specialty and there were no problems giving out prizes.  I am happy to say that our Best of Breed that day was GCH Yanga's All The Time, handled by Christian Rangel. Here is a photo of this lovely dog:

 Now we have a little break, but soon we will have to start planning for the Fall Specialty, which is in Pleasanton at the Del Valle Show. 

If you are a club member, our meeting on April 20th has been cancelled.  We planned the meetings so far in advance that we didn't realize that April 20th was Easter Sunday.  We will let you know by email when the next meeting is scheduled. 

Happy Spring!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Spring is here! Watch out for poisonous plants!!!!

Now is a good time to re-familiarize yourself with plants and trees that may be poisonous to your Miniature Schnauzer. Follow these links for more information about toxic plants and trees:

Maybe now in your excitement to bring home plants this Spring, they will be safer for the dogs. :)

Sunday, April 6, 2014

First Post - Spring Specialty!!!!

We here it is, our first blog post! We already have a new Facebook page, which has been really fun, with everyone sharing pictures, etc.  So now here we go with a blog!

I am so excited for next weekend as I am putting together the prizes and trophies for the Spring Specialty. This is one of my favorite things to do, as I think presentation is very important for gifts, prizes, etc. I am really enjoying myself!!!!!

Here is a sneak preview: 

If you want to see what becomes of this, and how it fits into our prizes, come see us on Friday, April 11, 2014 at Cal Expo.  Our Spring Specialty is held in conjunction with the Northern California Terrier Association Dog Show. We would love to see everyone out that day.:)